The band was lively, and the music made patrons feel like they were taking a tour of the Greek Islands.
The food....the food was INCREDIBLE!! As for my menu choice, I went with something I had never had before, SOUVLAKIA (marinated lamb skewered and grilled, served with rice, greek salad, and a roll.) I was also able to steal a bite of a friend's PASTICHIO (layers of macaroni, ground beef, greek tomato sauce, and beschamel). Both entrees were mouth-watering good!
After chatting and eating for awhile, we made our back through the "market" area, past the jewelry and specialty greek food stands, to the dessert room. Where we found this....
Chocolate Baklava. I had baklava last weekend, but I did not have CHOCOLATE BAKLAVA?! Yes, it tastes just as wonderfully crazy as it sounds.
I'm learning quickly that a food festival is a great way to both enjoy a new culture and enjoy some lovely time with friends! Opa!